Friday, January 18


     In 2013 I promised my mom that I would "behave," which means stop spending and start saving.  Problem is I'm physically incapable of keeping this promise so to quell mom's fear that I will be penniless in my old age I reminded her that I'll have her money to live off of after she's gone and that she need not fret.      
     So nearly three weeks into the new year I have only bought three bikinis and two coverups from Victoria's Secret plus three tubes of Bobby Brown lip gloss from Sephora.  The bathing suits and coverups were a total necessity since I'm heading to Aruba in June.  The makeup purchase was equally justifiable because I need all the season's hottest colors and women everywhere know you can't walk out the door without first putting your face on.  Problem is at this point I'm feeling completely unsatisfied with my meager purchases and am busting at the seams!  Frankly, I'm going through shopping withdrawal.  So while I tried to keep this resolution I'm afraid it's run it's course.  Maybe I'll try again in a few months and give up shopping for Lent instead!

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